Procyon Postings

Yip Yappin' About my Raccoon-sona

I've had a raccoon fursona since sometime around 2018 or 2019 but I was never really happy with them in the years since having them. As a result, I barely drew them (I'm a digital illustrator) and out of all of my original characters, they were my least favorite. However, recently, I've been wanting to have a raccoon fursona I can actually feel proud of, connect with and relate to. I've spent the weekend working on his design. I even tinkered with his species a bit by making him part-ferret (Raccoon patterns on a raccoon body, ferret torso, and ferret colors) but I felt doing that took away too much of his raccoon-ness and I wanted him to be a RACCOON's RACCOON (the raccoon version of a 'Girl's Girl'), so I decided against it.

I'm happy to say that I think I may have perfected my fursona's design. I'm so happy with the way he's turned out. I only have a really *really* rough sketch of him at the moment so IDK if I'll post him here just yet. I think I might just wait till I have some proper art of him to post. I'm still not sure about his name, though. I was thinking Sebastiane Lovelace or Sebastiane Aguilar, although I'm not completely married to either one of those names at this current point in time. I'm feeling so happy about life right now, at least in this regard, eheheh :3

#Fursona #Raccoon