Procyon Postings

Trump Assassination Attempt

About an hour ago, there was an assassination attempt on former president Donald J. Trump's life while he was giving a speech at a rally. This is something that is going to GREATLY impact the presidential election, most likely for the worst. It's incredibly stupid to attempt to assassinate a former president and current presidential candidate. No matter your current political affiliation, there is nothing positive that could have come of this even if the assassination where successful.

Now, because of this, he's going to gain a lot more vote. Americans love a martyr (whether or not that martyr is actually dead or note). We love our icons and idols (even those of us that aren't supposed to have idols and icons). We love a story of tribulation, overcoming something and surviving. A lot more people are going to identify with and vote trump. People who where on the fence and didn't know how to feel about trump are now going to be pushed onto the Trump side of the line. People who where already trump zealots are now going to become even more emboldened and pushed further into the Trump-cult-personality. Perhaps not everyone, but this sort of thing is what internet crazies who associate with Q-Anon thrive on.

People are already reacting like this, now imagine if the attempt had been successful. Imagine all the above, magnified ten-fold. Just look at past successful and attempted presidential assassinations. EVERYBODY loves JFK. EVERYBODY loves Theodore Roosevelt. What occurred just hours ago was incredibly foolish and immeasurably stupid. I hope the bastard that pulled the trigger gets swiftly caught and strung up high on some nearby tree for the locals to tar, feather, beat at with sticks and shoot at for fun this July weekend. He altered the timeline in the worst way possible. Kick rocks you son of a [retracted].

#Assassination #History #Politics #President