Procyon Postings

Presidential Debate: June 6th, 2024

I may or may not be live-blogging during the presidential debate. I donā€™t know
I most likely wonā€™t catch the beginning, though. I have to pick someone up and it starts soon, I believe .

Currently seated at my laptop, watching live coverage on YouTube and eating a meshiwan of rice.

Ten minutes till the debate. Ten minutes till I have to leave to pick up a sibling and miss the beginning of the debate :,(

Just gobbled down an entire taco. Time to leave.

Theyā€™re actually behaving themselves. Surprising. Iā€™m parked in a parking lot right now. My father is beside me in the passengerā€™s seat and tuning into it live.

Iā€™m not sure trump realises that you canā€™t commit an abortion after birth. Thatā€™s quite literally not how it works.

Listening to Bidenā€™s incompetent babble is scary. Thinking about Trump in office and the resulting effects (project 2025) is also scary. I hate this.

Trump keeps saying that heā€™s ā€œgoing to settleā€ the Russian/Ukrainian war. But he doesnā€™t say how. Like,,,?

ā€œThe only one who wants the war to continue is Hamasā€, ā€œwe are the greatest support for Israelā€, ā€œwe cannot allow Hamas to continueā€. But Israel? What about Israel? You know, the people who have been occupying land illegally for longer than Hamas has existed. The whole reason for Hamaā€™s existence. Dude. I canā€™t with Biden and his Zionist ideologies.

ā€œYouā€™ve got the morals of an alley catā€ is a really nice quote. Iā€™m gonna have to steal that. Also, whoah. Just straight up coming out of nowhere with ā€œporn starā€ during a debate is crazy.

Yeah. Charlottesville was BAD. Idk why Trump called literal self-identified Neo-Naziā€™s ā€œfine peopleā€ or something along those lines. They literally killed someone.

Okay. Thereā€™s a break period happening right now. The news station Iā€™m tuned into is showing some slides of different news stories that are recent set to some chill, lo-fi-esque beats. Something doesnā€™t feel appropriate about reporting on the death of a minority at the hands of police brutality to a funky little upbeat tune :/

Okay, weā€™re back.

The inflation problem needs to be fixed ASAP.

Ooh! Theyā€™re asking about the climate. I wonder what trump will say, since heā€™s historically against any initiative in regards to improving the climate.

Ohā€¦ He completely ignored the question and went on a rant about something unrelated to the question.

Dude itā€™s so painful listening to Biden speak :/

I donā€™t like how they always stray from the topic. Like, they get asked a very specific question and sometimes they briefly answer it in a short breath, but then they go on for the majority of their speaking time talking about something completely unrelated. Sometimes they donā€™t even answer at all. Like, fym ā€œoh and by the way,ā€? Answer the damn question.

ā€œAnd theyā€™re all highly respect, unlike himā€ lmao.

Dude. Biden is OOOOOOLD :o !!!

Trump is old too!

"I'd be happy to play golf with you, if you can carry your bag. Think you can do it?" lmao. bro this country is doomed. They're so unserious.

"We're closer to WWIII more than anyone can imagine". This feels too real, unfortunately :( .

"You're the WWIII". I'm so done with him. Actual children -_-.

They're analyzing the debate right now. Nothing that isn't obvious. Trump casting a tirade of miss-information and Biden talking all over the place, not thinking clearly, and coming off topic. What a mess.

I'm not comfortable with either one of these senior citizens being in charge of our country. Man...

"The choice is clear", no tf it's not šŸ˜­

So the debate is pretty much over. The new hosts/casters are just discussing it amongst themselves. Also the news channel I'm watching the debate on enabled the live chat (it was previously disabled I'm pretty sure), but they're the only ones that can post in it. They're using the live chat to 'fact check' points made by Trump and Biden but they're doing it by linking to their own news articles. They're using themselves as a resource...(?)

Okay. I'm tuning out now :) The debate was... something...I'm not sure what exactly. I'm not feeling optimistic.... hmmm...

To end on a happier note. Check out this awesome and cute raccoon:

Raccoons make everything better :D !!!

#Live Blogging #Politics