Procyon Postings

It's More Fun to UwU: Furry Hackers

It's More Fun to Compute (Extended) - Kraftwerk

There’s a common stereotype about furries that’s well know even outside of the furry fandom. Everyone is, at the very least, somewhat involved with technology. Whether they’re a programmer or just a hobbyist that enjoys collecting old tech, furries are computer nerds at heart (this blog is written in, albeit, simple, HTML). We thrive in virtual spaces. We dominate the digital world. Some of us even power it (insert joke about a Y2K-esque scenario happening if furries were to disappear). Recently, something occurred which reminded me of why exactly we as a fandom have developed such a prolific reputation. And boy is it juicy. Let me spill this hot, hot goss with y'all.

For those that are unaware, conservatives have been planning this thing called Project 2025 (it's kind of a big deal. If you're American definitely look it up if you somehow haven't heard about it at this point). This is something that would negatively impact A LOT of people and most people ain't down with that. In situations like these, many people turn to forms of protest as a way to voice their dislikes, angers and frustrations against whatever it is they so adamantly oppose. Most people make petitions, gather in mass, spread information (or misinformation), anything that's attainable and accessible to help further their cause. Most people, however, aren't *furries*.

Just a few hours ago, a group of "gay hacker furries" know as SiegedSec hacked the Heritage Foundation, a large conservative group which have been pushing project 2025. As a result, Mike Howell (executive director of the Heritage Oversight Project) and the hacker got in touch with one another to chat things up. The chat log has been released to the public by the group for the public's enjoyment. A text file of the chat log is available below as a link. For ease of access, it is also available below that, neatly contained within a white, box outline, should the link to the text file go missing and break.

Ladies and gentlemen, hackers and furs:



these chat logs are released by SiegedSec, this chat took place on signal.

Mike Howell:
This is Mike Howell of the Heritage Foundations Oversight Project
I'd like to chat
Would you be willing to have a call or some other means of communication

hello! unfortunately im not able to call, i can only stick to text communication. if you have another platform youd prefer, i'm open to adapting how i can.

Mike Howell:
This platform is fine
What is that you are seeking or threatening?

we want to make a message and shine light on who exactly supports the heritage foundation. we dont want anything more than that, not money and not fame. we're strongly against Project 2025 and everything the heritage foundation stands for.

Mike Howell:
That's why you hacked us?
Just for that?

yes. it should be obvious thats all we want based on our history as a hacktivist group, we dont seek money.

Mike Howell:
Ok listen to me closely
We are in the process of identifying and outting members of your group

Reputations and lives will be destroyed

Closeted Furries will be presented to the world for the degenerate perverts they are

You cannot hide
Your means are miniscule compared to mine. You now can either turn yourself in or you can cooperate

none of our members will be identified or outted by your organisation built on hatred. the only ones deserving of a destroyed life are those within your organisation.
you want me to cooperate? with what, spreading misinformation and hatred? we wont turn against our own people.

Mike Howell:
Your own people turned against nature. We will only accelerate the cycle.

nature has no defined set of rules, no authority, just like it should be. humans can do what they want and yet you choose to support an organisation to harm innocent people. why? how can you justify this to yourself, knowing youre threatening the rights and lives of other human lives? the people you hate could be anyone, your friend, your mom, your sibling.

Mike Howell:
God created nature, and nature's laws are vicious. It is why you have to put on a perverted animal costume to satisfy your sexual deviances. It is why you are forced to hide like a coward
You violated our rights and broke the law. You have no standing to discuss such matters

the rights your org violates will be 10x worse than any crime ive committed. you do not follow god if you use religion as a crutch to hate people. while i hide behind a screen to fight for my rights, you hide behind religion to attack the rights of others.

Mike Howell:
Would you like to meet virtually or send an emissary to meet in person

i would like to be left alone without my rights being threatened.

Mike Howell:
Are you aware that you won't be able to wear a furry tiger costume when you're getting pounded in the ass in the federal prison I put you in next year?

such unprofessional language from an executive director, would you mind if i shared this? :3

Mike Howell:
Please share widely. I hope the word spreads as fast as the STDs do in your degenerate furry community.

meow :3
(image of cat :3)

Mike Howell:
Bestiality is a weird sin. It shows you've gone a "few clicks" too far in trying to satiate your deviant appetite.

whats ur opinion on vore

Mike Howell:
My advice is that you get out of mommy's basement, iron your shirt, buy a girl a drink, and ask her out instead of googling new deviances for you to fixate on

brb im writing a post about you. would you like me to immediately post your dox publicly or tease it for a little while first? :D

Mike Howell:
whatever you prefer, i'm tied up with the fbi issuing a 2702 order on your social media.
you arent that sneaky for your line of work
(screenshot of our bitcoin wallet's transactions)

omg you learned how to look up the public history of my bitcoin address!!! good job pal im proud of you :D

"whats ur opinion on vore", My bitch prose is NASTY, lmao.

Here are some amusing Twitter comments reacting to this whole ordeal, Starting with a Tweet from Mike Howell himself:

#furry #hacker #trolling