Procyon Postings

About Procyon Postings

Welcome to my blog, Procyon Postings. This blog was implemented on June 24th, 2024. The name Procyon Postings comes from the scientific name for the North American raccoon (that being Procyon Lotor), which, if you've made it this far, I'm sure you've come to realize that raccoons are an animal for which I hold an unwavering affinity towards. Procyon is also the name of the brightest star in the Canis Minor constellation, which I thought was quite fitting for my website's space theme. My hope with this blog is to utilize this place instead of posting on social media whilst at the same time filtering out all the unnecessary noise that comes along with it. All the likes, follows, blocking, pretending, drama, over-curated feeds to keep us locked in longer, A.I. slop and brain-rot content. There's none of that here. Just me and my hyper little raccoon thoughts, sprawling out every which way. This is more for me than anything. If you happen to come along for the long haul, or just stop in for a brief visit, a quick read, that would all just be a bonus to me. If you feel like starting this journey with me now, happy reading! If this is where we part ways, so long, partner. May we meet again, sometime in the distant (or near!) future :).

What a nice *wholesome* song... Yeah...